Thursday, October 4, 2007


It is only Thursday afternoon and so far this week Parker has gotten his cast off only to find he still needs to wear a splint. Torn up our kitchen putting down hardwood floors, counter tops and painting it. Got carried away with the paint and painted our old bathroom which caused us to need new towels, shower curtain and floor mat. Parker went to the zoo and after the zoo came home with a really high fever. Went to the Dr the next day and found out that he has strep throat AND a viral infection in his mouth causing his mouth to have tons of blisters. The Dr. also said that the viral infection causes the highest fevers she had ever seen. OH and he has his first ear infection. Needless to say that last night he and I only got about 3 hours sleep over an 8 hour span of time. Wonder what tomorrow will bring.....

1 comment:

awalton said...

what a week! i've been thinking about you a lot this week... that must be why. :) i hope i have that nesting thing you're talking about, since we'll be moving into our new house the month before the baby is born! yikes! i need you to come and help me yard sale shop too. sounds like you're pretty much a pro. hope Parker starts feeling better soon!!