Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I went today to the Dr. and here is what she said:

I am 3 cm dilated. ( the Monday before my water broke on Tuesday with Parker I was only 1cm dilated.)

50% effaced. ( I think I was 60% effaced with Parker when I went in. Not sure)

She is REALLY low. (Parker was really high which is why I have never felt a contraction)

She has a small head. (This is good because Parker's was huge and I almost couldn't get it out).

My belly measurement is perfect. (same with Parker)

EVERYTHING LOOKS GOOD!! (same with Parker)

I go back next Tuesday.

If I make it 2 more weeks then my Dr. is going to do an ultra sound to get a more accurate measurements of Reese's size.

That's about it for today's appointment tune in next week for another report.


Amanda's News said...

She is so coming early! My guess is on the 26th! We can't wait to meet you baby Reese!!!!

Whitney said...

Oh that's so great! Glad everything is looking good! It looks like she won't be coming on my birthday after all...:)